
Join our team!

Start your apprenticeship with us in summer 2024!

The first step is an apprenticeship taster!

Do you have technical aptitude and knowledge combined with creative talent and instinct? If so, a career in building services engineering could be dream job.

Would you like to gain first-hand experience of everyday working life in the building services engineering sector? Then we would like to meet you! During your taster week, you will find out what it takes to be a building services engineer (Federal VET), ventilation systems engineer (Federal VET), ventilation systems technician (FVC) and cooling systems technician (Federal VET).

Of course, you’ll get stuck in right from the start.

Here at E. Kalt AG, we are interested in you.

Register for YOUR apprenticeship taster with us now!

Building services engineer (Federal VET)

4-year apprenticeship

Building services engineers are the brains behind the construction industry. Their precise calculations and exacting eye for technical details ensure the reliability of air, water and heating systems.


You have completed your compulsory secondary education and have an aptitude for numbers and technology.

Ventilation systems engineer (Federal VET)

3-year apprenticeship

Being a ventilation systems engineer is more than just hot air! You have a wealth of technical expertise, and the precision ductwork in your plans will create a perfect indoor environment.


You have completed your compulsory secondary education and have technical aptitude.

Ventilation systems technician (FVC)

2-year apprenticeship

Ventilation systems technicians carry out straightforward preparation and assembly work for ventilation systems.


You have completed your compulsory secondary education and have technical aptitude.

More information Apply now!

Cooling systems technician (Federal VET)

4-year apprenticeship

Cooling systems technicians are responsible for cooling systems, air conditioning and other similar systems, such as heat pumps. They install the entire system including all the pipework and the associated components.


You have completed your compulsory secondary education and have technical aptitude.

The benefits for you

Motivated trainers

Our motivated and experienced trainers will be by your side as you start your career. They will support you in all aspects of your working life and offer you a highly specialised apprenticeship.

A varied apprenticeship programme

Thanks to our size, we handle a wide range of different projects – from small-scale to highly complex systems. The broad focus of our projects provides the ideal environment for a varied apprenticeship.

Rewards for strong performance

Training at vocational college is a key component of your apprenticeship with us. Our well-established rewards system recognising strong performance at college has been in place for several years.

Your contact,

Marco Manzoni

Marco Manzoni is your contact at E. Kalt AG. He is looking to recruit new talent to our team! Together with our expert trainers, we are shaping the future of cooling, air conditioning and ventilation in a dynamic working environment. Now is the perfect time for your next career move. Apply today and join our committed team!

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Apprenticeship application form for E. Kalt AG